computers 2 SSM nov 09Some new volleyball nets enables the girls (and boys when they’re allowed!) to practise the national sport of Peru. This was part of a recent Sports Day, now that the weather is warming up a bit and there is less drizzle.volleyball 3Computers donated by Spain, means that at last the children can see what is happening in the rest of the world. The best way out of ignorance is to be informed…..and they are now getting there. As soon as their email is settled (it’s very unreliable at the moment, due to a weak/frequently disappearing signal) 2 local schools are going to write to the children. Newton Flotman primary already has its Penpal club ready and waiting in the wings!girl guide activities 2girl guide activities thurs pm nov 09volleyball nov 09Girl Guide activities take place on a Thursday afternoon, as part of the «workshops» scheme that we have. It is well attended and the mothers who have had to qualify in order to help, are very enthusiastic and proud of the girls. We cannot have a Boy Scouts group as there is a cultural problem having men (of which there are very few in this area anyway, going away to work as they do) in charge of young children, I am told.computers 1 SSM nov 09This is the floor for the new offices. We are nearly a «finished off» school! Just in time for the Christmas holidays and more building…………yes dear readers……….we shall be starting the first classroom of the SECONDARY school in January, ready for next March. This means that we can transfer the top class of 6th grade children directly there. It is culturally very difficult to keep children in secondary education – they are normally required to go out and earn some money – so even finishing primary school is an undreamed of idea for most….hence the need to have another classroom immediately, so none wander off, never to return!new dining room floor SSM nov 09