Kari,one of our teachers, had a workshop to show how to do Origami, as part of a display day of children’s work. Now you can see where the money for the colours and paper went!
6 months on and we are now working hard to inform people of what we are doing and thus raising money towards the 2 new classrooms. We need another for the older children to progress to next Feb. but as they are built in pairs (more economical and we can use a different, better quality roofing system), we will have a classroom “to spare” for a few months. This won’t be idle since it will be used for an adult education class/parenting class and on some days, eg once a week, visiting medics – until we eventually have our own medical centre.
We are also looking at the cost and feasibility of building a “malla”, – a sea mist gathering net, which will transfer water to an underground tank. It is “do-able” but the costs are high due to the underground tank required to store the water, unless we can do something cheaper pro-tem. We are investigating it, but it might have to wait for another phase of building. When there is a permanent community dining room,for example, we would like to have 2 sorts of water tank: one for clean water and one for recycled water that could be used for irrigation of plants/flushing toilets etc.
Educateperu’s friends and godparents in USA are holding a bazaar shortly, at the end of this month to this end. Likewise in England, it’s getting towards Autumn and Christmas fairs time again. I know that my village of Saxlingham Nethergate is having one where there will be a “Peruvian stall” for Educateperu – because I sent the “artesanias” home to sell there!
If you have an idea for fundraising, never mind the economic climate, there is always something available to spend and however much or little, it will all be used usefully. Remember, Educateperu spends no money on salaries and offices – it all goes to the children. Whatever your idea is – email me and we’ll blog it. Contact your local radio and TV station to advertise it – there is an Educateperu banner available to use in my village! I’ll be in Pachacutec this week a couple of times at least, so I’ll send more photos then.
Our volunteer English teacher Carol, will be arriving shortly from the UK. If you would like to volunteer, tourist visas are free for 3mths and renewable for another 3 mths thereafter. We usually have some hostel room not too far from the school,which is free, to help you out. I’d love to have a rolling programme of English teaching here, so if there are any NQTs out there or those wishing to practise their skills somewhere different for a bit, -ask for sabbatical leave- we need you here, there’s loads to do!
The more people, the more fun. The more energy, the bigger the result. With love to you all who support us so well, Jill xx